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Can I customize the Cookie Declaration?


  • The Cookie Declaration uses its own stylesheets. If you would like to style it further, you can override the standard styling using the CSS !important rule in your website’s own stylesheet.

Introduction text:

  • You can choose if the introduction text should be included or not (see screenshot from backend Manager). 
  • If you do not wish to include the introduction text, you can deselect it from the backend Manager:
  1. Log in to your account LINK
  2. Go to the menu point ‘Edit Cookie Declaration’ 
  3. Un-tick the checkbox at the bottom
  4. Save your settings 
  • You can also edit the introduction text. This is also accessible from the tab '‘Edit Cookie Declaration’'. The Cookie Declaration will be displayed in the same language(s) as you have chosen in language dropdown in ‘Edit Cookie Declaration’  .
  • To include the default consent panel, insert the following div at the position where you want to display the panel and replace DOMAIN_GROUP_ID with your actual id:

<div id="gdprCookieManager" data-domain-group-id="DOMAIN_GROUP_ID"></div>
also insert declaration script to end of </body> tag to the page where you want to display the panel:

<script defer src=""type="text/javascript"></script>


  • If you want to add custom widget triggers use:

window.CookieConsentWrapper._cookieConsent.showSettings(0) to show widget settings

window.CookieConsentWrapper._cookieConsent.accept([]) to revoke your consents